Post Election Thoughts

Post Election Thoughts

give a damn
“Give a damn” has been our tag line since our start in 2016. Our company really took off after the election that fall during a time I was discovering the power of activism and what that could look like for our brand. We were shocked and disheartened by the election results, but the silver lining was we were energized by a new world of civic engagement we were becoming part of.

The challenges we face today did not arise overnight. Here’s what I know to be true: channeling your rage and anger into true action is the only cure for these deeply depressing feelings. We can’t cut out the cancer with just a couple of weeks of work. We must all be part of our fragile and beautiful democracy. Showing up may mean different things for different people, and can be as simple as helping out a neighbor or friend in need, but whatever it is for you, I encourage you into action today and the days to come.

I fear we are up against something we haven’t experienced in our lifetimes. A hubristic con artist with only yes men in his corner and the power to erase centuries of progress. I’m humbled to remember our nation and world has been this divided - even more so - in the past. Back then it took millions of people giving a damn and putting in the work to get out of the dark times. I know we will be ready to answer the call.

I really hoped we would be stitching hundreds of “madam president” sweaters for all shapes and sizes of Americans today. Instead, we need some time to process and to grieve. We need time to rest, to show love to each other, and to show our support for our disenfranchised communities. Then, we will, once again, as a team, show up and come together to support one another and do what we can to drive positive change.

With love and hope
xo Rachelle
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