Since our start, we've been passionate about creating a community made up of people who care. Using our platform and our customers' purchasing power to give back in such a meaningful way has been one of the best surprises and pleasures for me personally.

As some of you know, many of our sweater styles send a percentage of proceeds from each purchase to a specific organization. Many other initiatives we've done with our own products, and collaborations with friends, have given back too, oftentimes with really meaningful amounts.

To date, we've helped raise over a million dollars in cash and in-kind donations to groups and causes that are dear to our hearts (!). 

If you're curious, we’ve been tracking each organization and the amount donated in this spreadsheet, now open for you to view below. This document will be updated weekly for you to see in semi-real time. We look forward to continuing this journey of giving back together and are so grateful to have your support!

xo Rachelle

Go HERE to view our official charitable giving document.