We are all still buzzing over our Give a Damn! party with MZ Wallace and She Should Run last Thursday night at the Jane Hotel. The Resistance Revival Chorus' jaw-dropping performance was a definite highlight. To see more from this amazing night, go here and here for photos.

“We believe that joy in and of itself is an act of resistance."
Gah I adore them! Go HERE for the video from the night!
The Give a Damn! bag sold out in one day (700 bags!) and, with 100% of the proceeds going to She Should Run, we raised over $100k for this amazing organization. I love when women work together for good. Check out this article from Marie Claire - they go deep into our partnership. (P.s. there are still bags left in MZ Wallace stores!)
I am obsessed with this Equipment shirt (left) and am wearing it on repeat this fall. It commemorates the birthdates of female activists, politicians & artists, along with important milestones in human rights history. How cool is that?!
I don't know if you guys are following us on Instagram, but I just posted this amazing video of a woman named Lynzy Steward that is totally worth watching over and over again.
America Ferrera recently launched her book, American Like Me and it should be on your bedside table! With tales from friends like Issa Rae, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Roxane Gay, you will get a whole new take on what it means to be an American, the good the bad and the beautiful.
This week, we joined forces with Moda Operandi Man to design our first men's collection and I really hope you dig it. You might notice the font has changed, it's still in my handwriting, we just lost the cursive.
Pro-tip: our sweaters are all cut to be non-gendered. Ladies - if you like this new script, think about ordering for yourselves in a size or two smaller for you!
Considering the fact that our mission is to help try to stomp the patriarchy out of this world, it was surprisingly easy and even fun to work on this series of six men's sweaters. Supporting women means bringing on our men to help us all create a more equal and perfect world. We can't do it without them and we are proud to see them in our hand-embroidered cashmeres. Go HERE to shop!
Has the news been too much for you to a) keep up with and b) bear? I'm going to share with you my favorite secret weapon: Jessica Yellin. If you're not following her on Instagram stories, you need to be. Yesterday.
I've been having a hard time sleeping this week (see above). I wake up at 2 or 3 am and can't go back to sleep. This post by Cup of Jo and its comments section are giving me some solace and some new methods to try.
A giant smile spread across my face when I spotted this conference room at the Wing's new San Francisco headquarters. Chiara, was this your doing? Genius!
I'm surprised by how much I like this The Good Place! Consider giving it a go...
In art news, one of my favorite things I saw from London's Frieze Fair was Tom Sachs' installation where he was selling Swiss passports for 20 euro. I want one!!!
Also, did you catch this incredible Bansky art/prank? at Sotheby's this week. Me? I'm sort of more into the memes that came out of it!
(Photos via Jerry Saltz who you should obviously be following on Insta.)
Get ready to brush up on your Susan Sontag knowledge and get prepared to be able to debate what constitutes "camp" style. I'm super into this.
Taylor Swift finally spoke out on politics causing scores of young voters to register to vote. Follow their lead! Please please please make sure you are ready to VOTE!
This last week was rough. It's easy to get discouraged and upset. Please practice care of others and, importantly, self-care. Rest and then get back in there! November is coming and we all need to show up and speak up!
(Huma Abedin has been wearing this around town all week. Email us to order yours. Photo via @selbydrummond)