Whatever will be, will be...." You know how there are people in life that, upon meeting you feel like you are kindred souls in an inexplicable way? My friend Paula Martini is like that. Almost ten years ago, we fell in love with a little fishing town in Uruguay called José Ignacio, and also fell especially in love with the people we met there. Since then, my family and I have traveled back to José each year to escape the harsh NYC winter...
During those visits, I became obsessed with a small store filled with glorious textiles and silk creations like nothing I had seen before. Run by a woman named Paula Martini, it seemed that every chic woman in South America knew about this hidden shopper's fantasy. I'm not ashamed to admit that I started hoarding Paula's hand-knit Uruguayan wool sweaters, traveling down south with empty suitcases so I could fit them all! Each time I wore one of her creations I would get dozens of compliments and questions about where to buy them.
Since then, Paula (above with me in Montauk) and her husband Martin (who happens to own all of our very favorite restaurants in José Ignacio, including La Huella, which Bon Appetit calls the most idyllic seaside restaurant in the world) have become our very dear friends. We look forward to seeing them in Montauk in our summer (their winter) and heading south to visit them in our winter (their summer). I love that we have made such a special connection with people on the opposite end of the world. So, I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when Paula agreed to come up to see us in Montauk this summer and bring her gorgeous garments with her!
We had SO much fun mixing our hand embroidered cashmere pieces (with new Spanish phrases from songs we were listening to together!) with her hand-knit wool pieces and hand-sewn, silky dresses. I have to tell you, it was some of the most fun I've had working in a long while! I hope you agree with me that the two brands are a perfect pair.
Now, for the first time ever online, some select pieces from Paula Martini are available for you to shop, along with three new LF styles we thought up together. Don't hesitate, all of Paula's garments are made and dyed by hand, which means supplies are limited! xo Rachelle
Paula Martini in Montauk
See more from our fun weekend with Paula Martini at the Crow's Nest in Montauk. A special spot my husband Sean created, drawing inspiration from our time in Uruguay and from La Huella. It was a night we will never forget - we think it's the perfect setting for her!