We've Got This & So Do You!

We've Got This & So Do You!

As part of our International Women's Day celebration, we are launching our second bag with MZ Wallace. 100% of the proceeds go to She Should Run, an organization dear to my heart. The last bag sold out in just a few hours and sent over $100k to the cause, a non-partisan one, whose mission is to expand the talent pool of women running for office in the United States.

I am proud of this bag and the women behind it. Monica and Lucy are not only my dear friends, but they are women I look up to. Their company, MZ Wallace, is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and it's a testament to two people with both the talent and passion to keep on keeping on through decades of changes in the industry. Not to mention, it's a testament to their commitment to helping others. More than anything, Monica and Lucy are just plain fun to work with. I'd move into their Soho offices if I could, and will jump at any chance I get to spend more time creating things with them.

But, also? I'm proud of all these women featured below. This shoot was, like almost everything we've done, put together quickly, yet thoughtfully. Each and every one of the women we profiled are giving their all to the world, and we are lucky to be living in their orbits. My hope is that this bag becomes more than just a bag. Yes, it will raise a ton of money for a very good cause, but also? I hope it starts conversations. I hope it inspires confidence in its carriers and those that see it out and about along the way.

There are many MANY days that I have to remind myself that I've got this, but I can always use the reminder. I've got this! And, by the way, you do too!

xo Rachelle










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